
Ministering to the Whole Family

”God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.“ - ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭4‬:‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Nursery (ages 0-2)

We believe that our nursery is so much more than just a baby-sitting service.  Our amazing team of nursery volunteers are called to minister to the little ones and to their parents.  The nursery team is here to serve you every Sunday morning at 11am and Wednesdays at 7pm.

Remnant Tots (ages 3-6)

Your kids are not only a gift from God to you, but they are also a gift to us at Remnant Church!  The preschool age is the perfect age to begin guiding their little hearts to their Heavenly Father.  Remnant Tots (ages 3-6) meet on Sunday mornings at 11am and there is a class for grades PreK-3rd on Wednesday evenings.

Remnant Kids (ages 7-12)

It’s our hope that by creating fun, exciting environments where kids can experience God in new ways, we’ll help you to make Remnant Church a place your kids can’t wait to get to each week!  We have a Children’s Church (ages 7-12) every Sunday morning at 11am and on Wednesday evenings, we have a class for grades PreK-3rd and 4th-8th.

Remnant Youth (grades 6th-12th)

We know that the middle and high schools years are a time where students are most in need of kindness and community and someone to walk alongside them as they grow. Our student ministry provides just that, connecting students with one another as well as with leaders who want to support them in their journeys.  Remnant Youth (grades 6th-12th) meet on Sunday evenings at 6pm.